Thursday, August 11, 2016

Speaking at dev-data DAY

I have another opportunity to share my T-SQL knowledge. This time, it will be in Birmingham, AL at dev-data DAY on August 20. This will be a free conference with SQL, .NET, Powershell/Azure and Professional Development sessions. I'm happy to present "Crash Course on Better SQL Development" session which includes elements of T-SQL coding, error handling, a look at execution plans and finally exploring some capabilities of SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools).

This year it will by my 5th time speaking at local events. Each new event brings a new perspective into local user group communities and different knowledge that technology professionals bring to the market. For me, speaking became a way to share and at the same polish my own knowledge. Depending on experiences and knowledge of each group, there are different questions which lead a session on a slightly different path. Presenting same content takes different shape with every new group of people.

For me, one of the biggest challenges that I had to overcome in order to become a speaker was to realize that it is perfectly fine to admit that I don't know an answer to every question. Whenever a difficult question is asked, I do my best to answer based on my knowledge at that time and take a time to research it after the fact to make myself prepared for it next time. I'm not an expert in any given field and will never claim to be one. I like to be Jack of all trades. Being diverse in my knowledge helps me to approach problems from a different perspective and think of solutions from different angles.

More information about event DevDataDay

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